Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Lesson 3,Lesson 4 Part 1,Lesson 4 Part 2,Lesson 5 Part 1,Lesson 5 Part 2
Ordering Of Results
Select < attribute > From < relation> [ Where < conditions > ] [ Order by < attribute > asc/desc ]
asc(ascending) - ආරෝහන( කුඩා අගයක සිට විශාල අගයකට )
desc(descending) - අවරෝහන( විශාල අගයක සිට කුඩා අගයකට )
Example 1:
Q: Display Supplier details in ascending order of name
A: Select * from Supplier order by Name asc
Example 2:
Q: Display cities of Suppliers in descending order
A:Select Distinct City from Supplier order by City desc
Example 3:
Q: Display name and status of Suppliers those who are in Colombo in descending order of names
A: Select Name,Status from Supplier where City='Colombo' order by Name desc
Example 4:
Q: Display details of suppliers in descending order of status of those who are in Colombo and those status>30
A: Select * from Supplier where City='Colombo' and Status>30 order by Status desc
Example 5:
Q: Display branch names of accounts in ascending order where balance between 2000 and 5000
A: Select BrName from Account where Balance between 2000 and 5000 order by BrName asc
Example 6:
Q: Display account numbers of accounts in Galle branch in descending order
A: Select AccNo from Accounts where BrName='Galle' order by AccNo desc
Example 7:
Q: Display details in Account table where balance in ascending order and account names in descending order
A: Select * from Accounts order by AccNames desc,Balance asc
Next we'll talk about Aggregate Value Functions
- SUM() - To find the total/එකතු කිරීම් සදහා
- AVG() - To find the average/සාමාන්ය සෙවීම සදහා
- MAX() - To find the maximum value/වැඩිම අගය සෙවීම සදහා
- MIN() - To find the minimum value/අවම අගය සෙවීම සදහා
- COUNT() - To find the number of instances/ප්රමානය සෙවීම සදහා
- ROUND() - To round off to nearest number/ආසන්නතම අන්කයට වැටයීම සදහා
Lets see these functions through examples/උදාහරණ මගින් විමසමු....
Example 1:
Q: Count the number of projects
A: Select count(JNo) from Project
Example 2:
Q: Find the average status of suppliers
A: Select avg(Status) from Suppliers
Example 3:
Q: Find the minimum quantity supplied for a project
A: Select min(Qty) from Shipment
Example 4:
Q: Find the average quantity supplied by supplier S3
A: Select avg(Qty) from Shipment where SNo='S3'
Example 5:
Q: Count the number of parts supplied by supplier S2 for different projects
A: Select count(Distinct PNo) from Shipment where SNo='S2'
Example 6:
Q: Find the Suppliers who supplied maximum quantity for a project
A: Select SNo from Shipment where Qty=(Select max(Qty) from Shipment)
Query inside the brackets is called as a Sub Query and it works first before the main query gets executed.වරහන් තුල ඇති function එක subquery එකක් වේ.ප්රතමයෙන් එය ක්රියාත්මක වන අතර ඉන් පසු main query එක ක්රියාත්මක වේ.
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Next post will be on Grouping and Having clauses.Keep in touch....
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